Technologies Ltd
Our Services
More than just another web site design firm
We offer a wide range of services to help you leverage the power of the internet . We are more than just a web site design firm.
As a business owner, you know how important an Internet presence is in today's business world. To develop and implement a successful business website you need to understand your business focus, identify your niche, effectively market your site, serve your customers and identify the skills you'll need to manage your online business for the long term.
Have you drafted your online business plan?
If you have not, then you have missed an important step in your business planning process. An e-business plan integrates your website and your business model and addresses website planning, development, marketing and management. It will ensure that your content targets the right customer type, enables you to realize the full value of the Internet as a marketing tool, and creates a process for informing and communicating with your customers.
We can help you:
Determine criteria to consider when planning your Internet presence
Develop or upgrade your Web Site
Implement customer service strategies to manage the information your customers provide you with
Measure the success of your Internet presence

Web Site Design
If you have a business, you should have a website. Period. No question. Without a doubt.
Your site may be the first chance you have at making a good impression on a potential buyer. If you want to get noticed your site must be properly designed to maximize your exposure to search engines (SEO). Properly designed, your website will me much easier, and therefore cheaper, to maintain.

Email Marketing
Studies show that regular contact with customers helps to maintain your relationship with them and generates referral business.
What are you doing with all those leads? Contrary to what some will say, mailing lists are still very effective.
Mercury EMAIL Messenger is a web-based mailing list manager that gives you custom HTML templates and lets you track and analyze your email campaigns, get feedback from and automatically respond to their requests.

Digital Publishing
It's all about the wow factor!
Effective digital publishing is more than just converting your print media to an online format. By incorporating multimedia into your publication you are better able to convey your message.
E-books provides an opportunity to maintain the conversation with your stakeholders. With E-books you know exactly what has captured your audience's attention and can better keep the flow of information running.

Database Design & integration
Successful business decisions require timely access to information by the right people in your organization. To achieve that you need an information management strategy.

Content Management
Control the message, keep your site's content up to date and reduce maintenance costs all at the same time with CMS.

Banner Management
Want to sell advertising on your site? Our Banner Management service will get you up and running in no time flat.

Online Training
Leverage the power of e-learning to reduce your training costs.
Or tap into an entirely new business opportunity by offering your clients online training through your site.
Whether as an income generator or a way to maintain a relationship with your clients, e-learning places you in the forefront of your industry.
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